An Inquiring Mind


Websites I visit quite often

Wikipedia  of course, it's very good when you want an introduction to a topic you know nothing about. here you can find basically everything.

Scholarpedia when you already browsed the topic on Wikipedia and now want more academic rigour.

Slideshare  sometimes is better to learn visually with slides presentation. You can quicly grasp the key concepts of a new argument.

I also like to learn from videos, on Youtube you can find TED Talks, University lectures (Stanford,MIT,Yale), Singularity University, Singularity Summit. Another great site is  (especially for Machine Learning)

Coding Horror  a very good blog on many programming topics.

Joel on Software  another great programming blog I recently discovered.

Lesswrong  a blog and a community about thinking rationally. Many really interesting ideas.

Overcomingbias another one on rational thinking, but with many more economics posts. Not always agree with the writer but it's really food for thought.

Greg Mankiw blog prof. Mankiw blog mainly on macroeconomics. I read his book also. Conservative oriented (at least for me), but with many links also to liberal point of  view.
Also interesting are Marginal Revolution and Freaknomics but, hey, the day has just 24 hours.

Wired of course, if you are interested in technology you can't miss this.

Hackernews technical news from everywhere. News on the tech startup all over the world. Reflections of some of the best tech people around. Summing up a GREAT resource if you are into programming and/or startup.

Next Big Future and Singularityhub are also great to see what's coming next from science and technology. Both a bit too optimist I think but still amazing.

Accelerating Future and KurzweilAI  I don't believe in the claims of these people of the singularity community. But even if they are sometimes mixing wish with reality many of them are nonetheless smart people you can learn a lot from.

Vetta project the website and blog of PhD Shane Legg, a smart guy with many insights on the possibility of building a really intelligent machine (strong AI). He (and Marcus Hutter) did a great work at defining intelligence mathematically. I thought it was not possible.
Prof. Jürgen Schmidhuber's page. These guy has a lot of interesting ideas on artificial intelligence and machine learning. His artificial curiosity theory really impressed me.

Ben Casnocha blog
a young entrepreneur with interesting ideas.

Tim Ferris blog a tricky guy who invented himself as a lifestyle guru. His books is interesting and full of ideas. But things are not so easy as he write.

Creating Passionate Users a blog about how to teach, communicate and ultimately fidelize people.

Art deVany blog  a retired economics professor has studied in depht nutrition and exercise for general health. Many things really make sense. Avoid sugar !

Free the Animal another blog on paleo nutrition. Sometimes I don't like the author arrogance, I also have some dubts about paleodiet, but like in devany blog, many things make sense.

Paleo Vancouver another health blog from a boy who likes to research and experiment with the goal of health and longevity

Immortality Institute these guys think technology can basically stop aging in the near future. I think they're too optimist, but, as you saw before, I think you can learn a lot even from material you don't entirely agree with.

Vince Giuliano anti-aging blog. Intersting to learn more on the science of aging and anti-aging.

Investopedia I learned here the really basic things about finance ( I didn't even know what nasdaq was) then I read "A Random Walk down Wall Street" I learned how an entrepreneur thinks from here. Unfortunately the practical advice is U.S. based and I'm in Italy. I'm also an employee and not an entrepreneur. But never say never.

Chessbase, Chesscenter, New in Chess, Susan Polgar blog and Chessvibes  chess is like a disease from which you never really recover.

This list is ever changing ( mostly expanding) and I'm sure I've forgotten something. I didn't put many Italian website I also visit frequently.